Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Common Mistakes Car Owners Make In Transporting Their Vehicles

Your worries don't end in choosing a car carrier to transport your vehicle. Don’t think it’s the end of everything though, as there still a great deal of work left to do. To save you from getting possible headaches with the Vehicle Shipping company, keep in mind these important things.

First and foremost, be certain that you listed the company's telephone numbers in your phonebook. It makes it easier for you to give them a ring and keep a tab on your car. Just in case you may need it, don't forget to jot your car's tracking number.

Know how much fuel you must put in the tank. There are shippers who won't ship cars with a full tank. This is due to the fact that these cars are more prone to combustion.

A point to remember, don't leave your personal paraphernalia in your car. Companies do not let your stuff left in the car get a free ride. Leaving your stuff inside it serves as an open invitation for thieves to burglarize your car.

Some auto shippers also put a limit on the weight of the vehicle to be transported, so inclusion of personal items including household appliances is not permitted. In addition, the insurance for the shipping does not cover the personal items you might have left in the car. They do not offer any guarantee for that.

Fourth, deactivate your burglar alarm. Deactivate it before leaving it to your shipper. You may even completely disengage the device if you want to.

The fifth thing you must keep in mind is to remember to sign a copy of the declaration of car's condition. It will show the condition of your car upon pick-up so that claims of damages will be easier to establish, should there be any. Record your car's every imperfection and defects before you turn it over to the shipping crew.

The inspection report shall also include information such as time of pick-up, delivery information, mileage of the vehicle and all other information relating to your car. Keep this Bill of Lading at least until after the delivery. When things go wrong with your car shipment, the bill of Lading can readily serve as evidence.

Get your car's appearance on film or photo from all sides and vantage. Upon the delivery of your vehicle, inspect it carefully and thoroughly. Cover every area including the roof and compare all your notes with the pictures you took prior to transport.

It is wise to go over everything in your car and the documents you have with the transaction. You don't have to please the shipper by signing the waiver right away and withholding your rights for claims. It will be easier to smooth things out before you sign any contract relieving your shipper of any responsibilities.

If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable website.